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Monday, May 12, 2008


Sinonim : Santalum verum L. Santalum myrti folium Roxb. Sirium myrtifolium L

Familia : Santalaceae.
Plants took the form of the tree, high between 12 and 15 metre. Skin had rough wood, was grey. The leaves were easy to fall. Grow in the hot and dry land, in the land that many of his limes. The part that was used by Wood.

The Local name: 
Candana (Minangkabau) Tindana, Sindana (Dayak); Candana (Sunda); Candana, Candani (Jawa); Candhana, Candhana lakek (Madura); Candana (BeIitung); Ai nitu; Dana (Sumbawa); Kayu ata (FIores); Sundana (Sangir); Sondana (Sulawesi Utara); Ayu luhi (Gorontalo); Candana (Makasar); Ai nituk (Roti); Hau meni, Ai kamelin (Timor); Kamenir (Wetar); Maoni (Kisar)


The SIMPLISIA NAME : Santali Lignum; Kayu Cendana. Santali Oleum; Minyak Cendana.

All Practical purpose
     - Wood:
               1. The urinary tract antiseptic.
               2. Dysentery.
               3. Diarrhea
               4. Enteritis.
      - the leaves: Asthma.
      - Bark/skin the root: Menstruation was not arranged.

The ingredients and the dose:


The ingredients:
      1. Cendana Bark 2 gram
      2. The leaves of Patikan China 5 gram
      3. A little gambir
      4. Water 100 ml

The production method: by pouring hot water.
Dosage: was drunk by 2 times a day, the morning and in the afternoon, each time drank 100 ml. For a long time For medical treatment a long time medical treatment: was repeated for 14 days.


The ingredients:
      1. Sandalwood (dust) 1 teaspoonfuls
      2. Water boiled 100 ml

The production method: by pouring hot water.
Dosage: was drunk by 2 times a day, the morning and in the afternoon, each time drank 100 ml. For a long time medical treatment: was repeated for 14 days.


The ingredients:
     1. Sandalwood (dust) adequate
     2. The Tanjung leaves young several sheets

The production method: the Tanjung leaves young sliced afterwards to drying. After dry was added a little Sandalwood dust, afterwards was made cigarettes.
Dosage: was sucked as sucking cigarettes.

Source: iptek

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

About The Sandalwood

The sandalwood had the fragrant aroma/aromatic. Wood and its oil were used for the religious ceremony and the traditional ceremony in various countries. Volatile oil that was produced by him was the raw material for the production of perfume, soap, the medicine and cosmetics.

Its wood was used for handicrafts. The highest quality of sandalwood came from the part was lowest the tree that was more than 50 years old and grew in the forest. The sandalwood root contained 10% oil, whereas the part and the twig of stick wood contained 2-4% oil.

Compability Land
The sandalwood compatibility had the area of the very limited natural spreading. In Indonesia the area of his spreading covered East Java, NTT, Sulawesi and the Moluccas.

However the sandalwood could also grow in NTB. The sandalwood grew good in the height 50-1500 metre above sea level with the rainfall between 500-1200 mm/the year and and the dry season for the length of 9-10 months.
The condition for the land with good drainage, texture clay, the limestone, sandstone and the volcanic land were suitable for his growth. To the more unfertile, shallow and rocky land the sandalwood could be still growing and producing wood with the good quality.
The community often said that the sandalwood could not be planted and only grew naturally in the appropriate place. In fact, the sandalwood could be planted. The seed could be planted in the field when the height has reached 60-80 cm. The foster-mother's secondary kind was the foster-mother who accompanied the sandalwood in a period of long
Appropriate kinds were:
               - Cemara laut                                 - Akasia spp.
               - Alang-alang                                 - Kaliandra
               - Casuarina equisetifolia           - Acacia
               - Imperata cylindrica                 - Caliandra callothyrsus

Growth of the sandalwood was very slow and his increase rather was difficult, so as the quantity of Sandalwood trees in Indonesia increasingly descended. The sandalwood had the capacity to form the root bud of the root that was disrupted, for example because of being affected by the hoe, was stepped on by the livestock, or fire. Regeneration vegetatif this was very beneficial because his cost was cheap, was easy to be carried out and good results. But anyway, fire continued to be the growth intruder and the life of the sandalwood. The seed that just was planted and young twigs, will be miserable because of fire.

The Seed of the sandalwood was acknowledged as the 'orthodox' seed meaning that this seed could be kept for a long time after draining. While the storage of the seed experienced the rest period (dorman).

To speed up the growth, better the seed was burnt or heated for a moment when being planted. Without being burnt, the seed could also grow but become slow. The Burning seed could be done by spreading the seed in the land and being closed with grass or straw with a thickness of 2 cm, afterwards was burnt for several minutes. The seed could be also heated in the pan.
“Be careful, the burning was enough for a moment, lest the seed became broken”

The characteristics of the parasite sandalwood
One of the reasons why the sandalwood was difficult to be planted, because the sandalwood was a kind of parasite (like the parasite). This meant the sandalwood needed the foster-mother's crop to get the element of the nutrient and water.

In the seedling period, the sandalwood root adhered to the root of the foster-mother's crop to take nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and water.
So, the sandalwood could not grow personally. The foster-mother's crop that was needed the sandalwood was in the level of the growth of the beginning was acknowledged as primary by the foster-mother, in part:
                                - Kaliandra                                - Knamok
                                - Lamtoro                                  - Kacang gude/turis
                                - Cabe                                          - Turi
                                - Caliandra callothyrsus      - Cassia timorensis
                                - Leuceana glauca                  - Cajanus cajan
                                - Capsicum annum                - Sesbania grandiflor

The foster-mother's primary kind also accompanied the sandalwood as the protective tree. The sandalwood could be planted in polybag (the pocket of seedling cultivation plastic) was with the foster-mother's crop. The foster-mother's primary seed better be planted on the day to 30-40 after the sandalwood sprouted, in the distance + 5 cm from the sandalwood. The formation haustorium by the Sandalwood to suck the nutrient and water from his foster-mother's crop. (Source: ICRAF)

The regional regulation in connection with the sandalwood was based on the regional regulation (Regional Regulations) the NTT province No.16 in 1986:
  • The sandalwood in the farmer's land could harvested and was sold freely by the farmer who planted him.
  • The sandalwood that was managed by the government plantation could harvested in accordance with the regulation that was passed by the Regional Government.
The system agroforestry for planting the sandalwood
The Sandalwood always needed the foster-mother's crop to get the element of the nutrient and water, then the system “Tumpang Sari” really was suitable to develop the sandalwood crop. The foster-mother's crop was chosen in accordance with the requirement and the farmer's wish, for example: the kind of wood, the fruit and the medicine of the producer's tree.
The sandalwood could be planted with the foster-mother's crop that functioned as the fence crop.

Moreover, the sandalwood could be also planted in the line. As the path crop or alley cropping. The hedge system will around the garden protect the sandalwood crop from the sunlight, the disturbance of the livestock and fire. The fence was made from the fast crop grow, for example gamal. When still was small, the sandalwood needed the patron, but after big precisely needed many sun rays.

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The sandalwood was known and used since last ago because useful As for the use of the sandalwood: fragrant the sandalwood was used for the prayer escort, meditation, relaxation and aromatherapy, it was believed could expel the devil or bad spirits, also could be used for air freshener and expulsion mosquitoes.
Kind of Products:
  1. Complete the cone  incense the sandalwood with burner and box the cane work
    price: Rp 50.000/box.
    The choice of the colour box: red, yellow, blue, green, ungu, 1 box the contents 10 cone incenses.
  2. The fan of the Sandalwood
    price: Rp 50.000/box.
    For the production of the name, was put on the additional cost Rp. 5,000.
  3. Tasbih Muslim (99 seeds with diamter 8-9 mm)
    price: Rp 50.000/box.
  4. Tasbih Buddha (108 seeds with the diameter 8-9 mm)
    price: Rp 75.000/box.
  5. The sandalwood powder 1 kg
    price: Rp 120.000/box.
  6. The Catholic rosary (59 seeds with the diameter 3-5 mm)
    price: Rp 60.000/box.
  7. The cone  incense the sandalwood, 1kg
    price: Rp 150.000/box.
  8. The cone  incense the Gaharu, 1kg
    price: Rp 165.000/box.
  9. The sandalwood chips
    Diameter less than 10 cm in a long manner 15-35 cm: Rp 225.000
    Diameter more than 10 cm in a long manner 25-60 cm: Rp 300,000.-
For the purchase retail was current the price in accordance that list posted in above.
For the purchase wholesale/with the big party minimally order 30 pcs will be given by the special price.

Contact with ms. Dian
Phone : 0361.7849037

For the product detail, please check the in the website

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Arief Nursery

Dibentuk berazaskan keadilan dan berlandasan Badan Hukum serta dirancang untuk membangun system agribisnis di lahan produktif/non produktif, melalui pengembangan organisasi, inovasi produk dan pemasaran agribisnis dengan latar belakang :

  • 1. Terdapat lahan tidur yang ada di sekitar desa Pondok petir yang tidak termanfaatkan. Berdasarkan pengamatan di lapangan potensi dari lahan tidur bila dimanfaatkan akan sangat memberikan hasil yang besar untuk peningkatan penghasilan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa.
  • 2. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara tropis dikaruniai Tuhan, tanah dan iklim yang baik untuk berbagai macam tanaman. Salah satu bentuk usaha mensyukuri Rahmat Tuhan adalah dengan tidak membiarkan adanya lahan yang tidak dimanfaatkan.
  • 3. Berdasarkan informasi, populasi tanaman Cendana (Sandalwood, Santalum Album sp.) semakin langka, hal ini disebabkan faktor sulitnya dikembangkan secara tradisional dan lamanya tumbuh.
  • 4. Turut mensukseskan gerakan Pemerintah Indonesia Menanam dan Indonesia Menghijau yang didukung oleh seluruh komponen bangsa.

    Filosofi Arief Nursery :
    Bukan hanya sekedar menciptakan bisnis biasa tetapi juga mendorong setiap anggota peduli dan cinta lingkungan.

    Visi Arief Nursery :
    Menjadikan Arief nursery suatu badan usaha terkemuka di dalam peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat desa dan mengutamakan anggota.

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Arief Nursery

Was formed based on justice and the legal body which designed to develop the agribusiness system in the productive/unproduction land, through the development of the organisation, the product innovation and the marketing of the products, with the background are :

  • 1. There are unproductive land around the the Pondok petir village. Based on observation in the field, the potential of these lands it cultivated, will give big results and welfare for the village community.
  • 2. Indonesia is one of the tropical countries with the land and the climate which good for various crops. One of the efforts to thank’s to Lord's blessing is to cultivate the land and not to let the lands unproductive.
  • 3. Based on the information the population of sandalwood plants was increasingly rare, caused by the difficult to cultivate and grow slowly.
  • 4. To take participation on the Government movement “Indonesia Menanam and Indonesia Menghijau” that supported by all the nation components.

    Philosophy of Arief Nursery :
    Not only created the normal business but also pushed each member care and love the environment.

    The point of view of Arief Nursery :
    Made Arief Nursery to the prominent enterprise to increase the living standard of the village community.

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

TECHNICALLY PRODUCTION of the seed of The Sandawood (Santalum album L)

      Santalum album L or by the name of the area of the Sandalwood had the limited natural spreading in Indonesia including East Java, East Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi and the Moluccas. This crop grew good in the height between 50 - 1200 metre dpl, the type of the D climate and E (according to Schmidt-Ferguson) on average the rainfall per the year between 1.100 - 2.000 mm as well as had 14 rain days in 4 driest months.

The Sandalwood crop needed the foster-mother's crop like chilli, the eggplant et cetera, because of being classified as the tree of half of the parasite. In the production of the crop, the Sandalwood tree could be mixt in part with Albizia chinensis, Acacia sp, Cassia siamea, Tamarindus indicus, Pseudium guyava. This crop apart from functioning as the foster-mother also as the patron. Terrace wood was used for the production of sandalwood oil and various handicrafts like the statue, the stick, dubbed as him.

The production of the seed in the seed-bed was needed if in planting was used the seed. If being used the seed in planting, then the seed-bed might not be made. In choosing the location of the seed-bed, the condition for the location that the flat field, close to the source of water and close to the transport, The condition for the environment in accordance with the condition for the place grew the Sandalwood.

The different collection of the Sandalwood seed of each area because of the fruitful season depended on the condition for the area of the place of the growth, but generally in February up until June.

In P. Timor the seed collection could be carried out in March - in June. That was good for the seed, came from the mother of the crop that be aged 20 - 30 years, although the Sandalwood tree has begun to be fruitful in the age 4 years. The seed that has been marked with wana red until brownish.

The tree that his quality good could produce 5 - 10 kg the dry seed. Every time kilogram contained 5000 - 7000 seeds. The seed could be received from the garden personally or bought from the company that was appointed by the Department of Forestry.
Several matters that must be paid attention to in the procurement of the seed in part :
  1. The seed that has been gathered immediately was encouraged or buried in the field, Because in the period two months in the temperature of the room of the power kecambah him descended 50% and after 5 months 0%.
  2. The seed came from the tree that his growth was good.
  3. Clearly the origin he proposed.
  4. Luxuriant seed skin, shone
  5. The measuring seed big and healthy.
The prospective sandalwood could be also received from the root cutting, afterwards disapih in the pocket of plastic (polyback). To stimulate the growth of the root, the crop material was given the solution to the hormone (rootone). This method produced the percentage so that was lower than was used the seed. In order to receives the production and the quality of the stand, must be striven for by the use of the good seed. Strewing of the seed in the location of the seed-bed for the production of the prospective Sandalwood must meet the condition as follows :
  1. Was adjacent to the location of planting and the location environment of seedling cultivation in accordance with the condition that was desired the Sandalwood.Be enough to be available water and young was supervised. The area in accordance with the area of the seed-bed plan that will be developed.
  2. Penyemaian the seed in bedeng scattered could be used like wood or the plastic basin. The measurement bedeng scattered was adapted to the number of seeds that would disemai and the width of the land that was allocated for the need bedeng scattered. Generally was used 2 x 1 m. or 1 x 1 m. The media scattered was used by the mixture of the layer land processed and soft sand with the comparison 1: 2. Before being used better the media scattered this was mixt with the TSP product with the dose 1 kg TSP to 1 m3 the media. Before the media scattered this ditananami the seed was watered adequate. The seed was buried with the distance 1 x 2 cm or 5 x 5 cm.
  3. After 7 seed days sprouted. Matters that must be paid attention to in encouraging the Sandalwood as follows : The sandalwood seed disemai together his foster-mother's crop. The foster-mother's crop that was used including chilli. Planting of the seed be as deep as 1 cm afterwards was closed by the soft land or sand. Bedeng scattered was given by the protection. Penyiangan weeds must be done every time. Watering was carried out the morning or in the afternoon 1 - 2 times a day. After kecambah be aged 1 - 2 weeks and his stick began mengayu immediately disapih, together his foster-mother's tree.
  4. Penyemaian the direct seed to the pocket of this Method plastic was more practical than the method above, because of not needing weaning. The media that was used same like bedeng scattered. The pocket of plastic that was used measuring 8 x 20 cm and thick him 0,04 mm was white or black. Before the pocket of this plastic was filled up by the media, was given small holes in the underside and his edge. His intention to avoid excessive watering water. Before the seed disemai, the media was poured first with adequate water. The seed disemai together his foster-mother's crop in one pocket that already bermedia. The foster-mother's crop that was used chilli.
Matters that must be paid attention to in the production of the seed as follows : The production of the seed was carried out was supervised by the protection In this case could be used the roof from the leaves nipah or sarion the green colour. Planting of the seed be as deep as 1 cm and watering was carried out every day the morning and or in the afternoon until the seed achieved the measurement was ready planted (5 - 7 months). For the seed dipersemaikan must be carried out penyiangan weeds that grew.

Bibit weaning and bedeng scattered. The media that was used for weaning was used by the mixture of the layer land processed and sand with the comparison 3: 1. This media diisikan in pockets of plastic that has been given small holes in the underside and the adequate edge. Before the media was planted the seed, the media was poured adequate. The seed was buried upright carefully, together his foster-mother's crop. Ought to be paid attention to lest his upside down root was folded or perakaran other broken. The process of weaning for 5 - 7 months were carried out was supervised by the protection.

The seed from permudaan Prinsipnya nature almost was the same as the method of seed weaning from bedeng scattered. That ought to be paid attention to the nature doll that was used maximal leafy 4 - 5. To reduce evaporation of the leaves was cut off by half of it the too long upside down Root could be cut off before the doll was buried/disapih.

The Maintenance.
The maintenance activity that must be carried out in part take the form of : Watering, fertilising and the eradication of the pest and the illness. Watering was with clean water carried out by 2 times a day. The watering method should not dilangsung was sprayed with water, but the wet growth media evenly. After being 4 weeks old, the young crop was fertilised by NPK with the dose 0,1 gram the seed or 0.5 teaspoons. Further fertilising was given every time 2 - 3 weeks until be aged 8 - 10 weeks. The normal crop pest attacked the seed-bed was the mouse, the grasshopper and the cricket. Whereas the common illness attacked was the illness bulir, leaves rust, et cetera. To prevent the possibility of the existence of the pest attack and the illness, the seed-bed must be sprayed by using pesticide, the fungicide as well as was guarded by his cleanliness

Copied from:
Teknik Pembuatan Tanaman Cendana, Directorate Tanaman Industri, Directorate General Reboisasi and Rehabilitation of the Land, Departemen of Republic of Indonesia Forestry.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Let's rescue the rare tree the Sandalwood

The species population of the Sandalwood tree - Santalum Album at this time tended to become the rare tree. Because of that with the determination that was strong for the rescue of the species of this rare flora. At The End Of May 2007 was formed by the Centre of the Sandalwood tree Seedling Cultivation.
Now "Arief Nursery" At this time 1000 pockets of the seed were ready planted.
Come on gathered with us .... arief_nursery@yahoo.com

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